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About the client

Coffeedesk (All Good S.A.) is the leading coffee e-commerce in Central and Eastern Europe, selling through B2B and B2C platforms.

The challenge

The transfer of the B2B store to the new Salesforce e-commerce platform is to enable faster development on the domestic and international markets. Strong integration with Salesforce CRM and increased store security were required.

What we did

Comprehensive project implementation:
– Full technical and functional analysis, business consulting
– Analysis of integrated systems and external service providers (ERP, PIM, WMS, couriers, payment gateways, GUS / VIES databases)
– Ensuring continuity of business processes in the mature e-commerce in an integrated work environment based on Salesforce


We created a Salesforce B2B commerce solution tailored to the client’s needs and enabled business scaling thanks to the use of a flexible platform, ensuring security and ease of development in the future.

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Tomasz Ukraine Business Lead

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