Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii
Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii

About the client

A global corporation specializing in providing financial services in the area of banking, insurance and asset management.

The challenge

Support in the development of different projects within the bank and group. The functionality is provided to trade shares, bonds, funds, etc. After the undergone reorganization, the Customer does not have enough resources to easily scale-up the development work.

What we did

  • We supported the local team in the development of services.
  • We built the team in a very short time.
  • We provided the service in a secured environment (dedicated room, camera, security rules on laptops).
  • The development of the code is done in JavaEE, based on user stories written by Technical Requirements Engineers in Jira, using a given development environment and toolchain. We are in a close interaction with other developers.
  • The project mainly consists of, but is not limited to the Client’s development rules.


  • We have participated in the design, testing and deployment of the applications.
  • From the moment of deployment, the system is continuously improved. Many new ideas come from the Sii team.
  • The Customer is now allocating the Sii team to different projects in a very agile way. They have gained flexibility that was not possible before.
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Надіслати запит Надіслати запит

Tomasz Ukraine Business Lead

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