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Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii

About the client

Sii supports clients in the field of software development, IT infrastructure management, testing, service desk and BPO, training, engineering and consulting services.

The challenge

Keeping top talents in the organization is Sii’s priority. We wanted to better understand our employees and their needs. We needed a tool that would indicate what are the main reasons of employees leaving. We wanted to predict which groups of workers are most vulnerable to leave.

What we did

  • We used machine learning algorithms to find the pattern in data.
  • We reduced the attrition rate and the impact of an employee leaving on the company.
  • We created clear dashboards to present data.


Reducing employee turnover, especially among the most experienced employees and those with unique competencies. Having a tool that shows us the reasons why employees leave and predicts the groups at the greatest risk of leaving. This allows us to implement solutions that prevent quitting and thus help in planning the next steps.

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Tomasz Ukraine Business Lead

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Viktoriya Recruitment Specialist

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