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Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii

About the client

An international company, a world leader in the construction of electric and power grids, active in many sectors, focused on technologies from the area of energy and automation.

The challenge

Our client’s sales support system has 7000 users around the world. The application has been developed and requirements implemented to satisfy the needs of all user groups over many years, but the application was no longer intuitive and the supported processes became complicated. The client needed a solution to make sales processes uniform and at the same time upgrade the Microsoft Dynamics CRM platform.

What we did

Sii’s analysts, together with a dedicated team from our Client, have compiled all the requirements of the global sales management system and carried out their analysis. During workshops with the representatives of sales departments from many countries we gathered information on business needs and identified areas to be improved. Based on this we prepared a list of functional and non-functional requirements which were discussed with the business client during weekly teleconferences.


As a result, Sii has delivered documentation necessary to simplify and standardize sales processes and upgrade the Microsoft Dynamics CRM system to the 2011 version.

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Tomasz Ukraine Business Lead

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