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Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii


About the client

International manufacturer and supplier of services in the field of aircraft engines, helicopters, HVAC, fuel cells, elevators and escalators, fire and security, building systems, and industrial products. It employs 218.000 people worldwide.

The challenge

The Client ordered software from Sii and after its’ successful release end-users reported a few additional needs. A decision was made to extend initial software with the support of Sii specialists.

What we did

  • Drew up a simple contract enablingquick realization of individual development orders
  • Supported the client with 3–4 successive requests


  • Satisfied client,
  • satisfied end-users,
  • The Client came back to Sii when they needed to develop similar software for another product line.
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Tomasz Ukraine Business Lead

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Viktoriya Recruitment Specialist

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