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Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii

About the client

An international company, a world leader in the construction of electric and power grids, active in many sectors, focused on technologies from the area of energy and automation.

The challenge

The dynamic growth of the company and increasing needs to establish cooperation between local teams dispersed across the world created the need to implement a tool which would support the communication process between employees, and the circulation of documents related to it.

What we did

We established a team that designs and implements new functionalities on the SharePoint 2010 platform on-site. Sii’s team consists of the Project/Release Manager, Database Administrator, Business Analyst, three ASP.NET and SharePoint developers, and Testers. Subsequent implementations are delivered as releases, and the effects of work are used globally by the entire organization.


The purpose of platform implementation was to support internal communication in the company, the circulation of documents, to provide tools for coordination and cooperation between individual teams, and to create an alternative for social networking services.

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Tomasz Ukraine Business Lead

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