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About the client

Dutch company providing airlines worldwide with advanced Passenger Service Solution platforms built on modern and flexible technologies. It is being used by 55 airline customers on 5 continents.

The challenge

The idea behind WorldTicket’s e-commerce platform is to deliver the most advanced functionalities for all distribution channels, with flexible additional options available during the reservation process. The solution is based on Magento and is a part of WorldTicket’s global omnichannel system.

What we did

Sii consultants is an extension of the existing distributed agile team. The team continuously develops WorldTicket’s sales platform. A typical challenge is to setup and maintain for each airline customer a dedicated interface with relevant communication with the central sales system.


  • Improved code quality and software development process
  • Shortened time-to-market
  • Cost optimization

Sample interface implemented:

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Tomasz Ukraine Business Lead

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Viktoriya Recruitment Specialist

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