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About the client

Swiss multinational healthcare company operating worldwide under two divisions: Pharmaceuticals and Diagnostics. The company is a leading innovator in healthcare and the fifth largest pharma company worldwide.

The challenge

To develop and implement a mobile application for iPads and iPhones which would support medical representatives in their business contacts with clients. This need was caused by the lack of a mobile version of the  CRM application to support salespeople in their work and by the difficult access to product data and contact with clients faced by frequently travelling medical representatives.

What we did

We implemented a mobile application for iPads and iPhones. We analyzed needs, created a concept for a solution and the architecture of an integration system with the web services of the customer. We carried out programming work. We supported the Client during functional tests and eliminated errors in the system. We managed the implementation of updated system versions.


The application was implemented within two months and provides excellent support in managing contacts with clients.

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Tomasz Ukraine Business Lead

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