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Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii

About the client

Vaadin Ltd is the company behind the popular Vaadin Framework – an open source software development tool for building high quality web user interfaces for business software. The company sells add-on tools, support and services for accelerating software projects based on the Vaadin technology.

The challenge

An American dental and orthodontic company needs a system that would comprehensively handle all processes running in their organization. One of these processes relates to benefit enrollment performed by the company’s employees. The solution is a web portal, that would handle benefit requests submitted by employees in a smart and efficient manner, with emphasis on user experience.

What we did

  • We worked in close cooperation with the Vaadin team in an agile environment;
  • We designed, implemented and optimized the database structure and the data access layer;
  • We implemented a new Vaadin-based portal from scratch – the portal is a separate application but it is a part of a larger system;
  •  Currently we are developing a new HR module inside the core system.


  • The portal created by Sii is running in production.
  •  The Client’s employees enrolled for the 2015 benefits using our solution.
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Tomasz Ukraine Business Lead

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