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About the client

Swiss multinational healthcare company operating worldwide under two divisions: Pharmaceuticals and Diagnostics. The company is a leading innovator in healthcare and the fifth largest pharma company worldwide.

The challenge

Reaching a wide range of clients and health care professionals. Meeting the business requirements of company’s global e-marketing by using applications built on the AEM platform.

Adobe Experience Manager helps you to create, manage, and optimize digital customer experiences in every channel, including web, mobile applications, digital forms, and communities. With the enhanced user experiences, the brand loyalty and increased demand can be attained.

What we did

  • Delivering components and applications built on the AEM platform to company’s branches located all over the world.
  • Health care professionals integration for 11 countries.
  • Maintaining, extending and enhancing features of existing applications.
  • Providing a solution for delivering services worldwide.
  • Offering technical consultations for business representatives.


  • Increased profit resulting from enhancing company’s products awareness.
  • Improved image of the company.
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