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Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii

About the client

International manufacturer and supplier of services in the field of aircraft engines, helicopters, HVAC, fuel cells, elevators and escalators, fire and security, building systems, and industrial products. It employs 218.000 people worldwide.

The challenge

Development of sophisticated wireless and wired alarm systems for US and West-European customers. Key focus on M2M, H2M and M2H  communication & interaction.

What we did

Sii Teams designed, developed and integrated new features into existing alarm systems, including:

  • New communication protocols
  • Data agregation and processing
  • New types of end devices

The variety of new devices and features incorporated wireless and wired data exchange with other devices, users’ portable devices and alarm monitoring stations.


As a combined effort of Sii development and validation teams, completely new intrusion products and new versions of already existing products appeared on the international market.

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Tomasz Ukraine Business Lead

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Viktoriya Recruitment Specialist

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