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Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii

About the client

One of the world's largest producers of PVC profile systems for the production of window and door joinery, as well as terrace and facade systems in technology.

The challenge

Due to the implementation of the new SAP BW 7.5 on HANA data warehouse, there was a need to create data models and flows that would feed them from the production system(s). The ultimate goal, as always in this case, is to obtain information from production data that will enable efficient management of the company – from current affairs (eg monitoring of production, purchases, finances), through analysis of weak and strong areas, to planning and long-term decisions. This involves full-scale data processing: from ETL, through intermediate layers (data staging or virtualization), to the reporting layer. The solutions created concern various business areas (eg shopping, sales, finances, materials management, etc.), using various technologies – depending on the purpose and needs.

What we did

So far, the work mainly concerned the material management area (warehouses, purchases), the construction of data flow and the reporting layer. The plan is also to create new solutions (and to restore those existing on old systems), in other business areas (sales, finances, controlling).


Thanks to the solutions created, the work of business users is easier. Reports that required many hours of working with spreadsheets can now be generated much more efficiently and faster, even with one click in a few seconds.

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Tomasz Ukraine Business Lead

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