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Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii

About the client

Biotech innovator and Antarctic krill harvesting company dedicated to improving human and planetary health. The company develops krill-based ingredients for nutraceutical, aquaculture, and animal feed applications. The company’s fully transparent value chain stretches from sustainable krill harvesting in pristine Antarctic waters through its Montevideo logistics hub, Houston production plant, and all the way to customers around the world.

The challenge

Facilitate planning the route of the transport ship.

What we did

  • Reviewed the Logistics planning proces for the transport vessel,
  • Designed a powerful solution combining Power Apps and Power BI enabling the planner to experiment with various route/time scenarios,
  • Implemented into the Power BI (Front end) / Google Cloud (back end).


Solid help to the Supply Chain planners, now able to simulate the optimal time and route for their transportation vessel, which supplies the fuel, food and other resources to the fishing ships, and retrieves the cargo and crews to the shore.

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Tomasz Ukraine Business Lead

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