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Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii



About the client

Biopharmaceutical company with state-of-the-art facilities across Europe. The largest Polish manufacturer of pharmaceuticals and a leader of the Polish pharmaceutical market.

The challenge

The client started implementing SAP / 4HANA with another partner. After 6 months, it was not possible to determine the project status for the most important KPIs, i.e. time, budget, project progress. Also, no risks were identified or reported.

What we did

  • Confirmed project scope, project products and project progress status
  • Created a schedule based on the current situation resulting from the current project needs
  • Created a realistic work schedule, defined the product acceptance criteria, the organizational structure of the project and described roles and responsibilities in the project


The project implementation stage and project implementation prospects were determined.

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Tomasz Ukraine Business Lead

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