Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii
Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii

About the client

International tobacco company, selling its products on the markets of almost 200 countries.

The challenge

Analysis and audit of licenses to more than 15 000 MS SQL servers, globally across the organization, worldwide, before the formal review of the license, performed by Microsoft.

What we did

  • Overview of the submitted documentation.
  • Verification of global agreements with Microsoft.
  • Verification of documents confirming MS SQL license purchases.
  • Expert review of licenses for MS SQL products.
  • Preparation of the algorithms that determine the number of licenses.
  • Preparation of an offer to re-buy the lacking license in the most optimal model for PMI settlement.


  • Analysis of submitted documentation.
  • The preparation of the summary report, summarizing all the existing licenses for the MS SQL product.
  • Preparing PMI before the Microsoft audit.
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Tomasz Ukraine Business Lead

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