Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii
Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii

About the client

Sii creates secure server systems for NFC operations for telecommunications and banking sector organizations.

The challenge

In projects intended to create software to support mobile financial transactions, particular attention is attached to system reliability and security to satisfy the strict certification criteria of Visa, Master Card – EMV and the demanding standards of mobile operators.

What we did

Sii consultants took part in multiple projects intended to develop server systems for both, leading mobile operators and financial institutions.
The following work was carried out under these projects:

  • Development of software combining mobile operator’s backend and the banking system. Invention of appropriate solutions to manage application’s lifecycle on mobile devices.  Design and customization of graphic tools to meet the ever increasing customer requirements. The high quality of the delivered code must be maintained at all times.
  • Accurate and meticulous validation to check the system in terms of safety, reliability, performance and personalization of products.
  • Integration, implementation and acceptance testing of finished solution on Client’s platforms under real operating conditions.


Sii delivered software offering high levels of safety, reliability, and scalability based on the latest technologies. The systems have been successfully implemented by Sii consultants with positive results of the acceptance tests.

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Tomasz Ukraine Business Lead

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