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Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii

About the client

The refinery provides fuel for a few thousand petrol stations daily.

The challenge

Wholesale orders were placed through contact of the client with the account manager at the company. Orders made over telephone or fax were entered by the account manager to the SAP R/3 system, and then the account manager again had to contact the client to provide feedback. The order status was updated only based on direct communication with the account manager. Apart from being inconvenient to clients, the manual coordination of orders did not allow for order analysis, and the quality of data in systems was far different from desired.

What we did

Sii designed and then implemented a self-care portal for clients, and integrated it with the SAP R/3 platform.


Soon after the necessary business processes were made accessible, several hundred out of 2000 clients gave up conventional communication to place orders, and account managers no longer had to deal with tedious coordination tasks and began to put more energy into developing business relations with clients. In addition, just two months after putting the system into use completely new business needs emerged and our company was commissioned to work on them. Almost 5000 of the company’s Clients use the system on a daily basis.

The successful work of our consultants was proven by the fact that we were assigned the job of application maintenance and further development of the system for the entire group to which our Client belongs.

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Tomasz Ukraine Business Lead

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