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Надіслати запит Приєднуйтесь до Sii

About the client

The challenge

  • To build an effective and robust software for electric vehicle chargers.
  • To optimize the existing solution in terms of its performance.
  • Adaptation to the changing requirements caused by the rapid growth of the EV industry.

What we did

  • We implemented changes within existing software solution to be compliant with the newest standards and market needs.
  • We delivered a maintenance team to care about the Client’s new requests and support of implemented solutions.
  • We proposed optimizations in the source code, for application to be more reliable.
  • We participated in a security audit on an embedded system to increase its reliability.


  • Electric chargers were updated with a faster and modern application.
  • Credit Card payment was implemented on models available already in the market.
  • New application architecture secured better hardware stability.
  • A maintenance team relieved other teams from field issues and allowed them to focus on other activities.
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Tomasz Ukraine Business Lead

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