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About the client

Part of De Persgroep which is a publisher of trendsetting media brands, localized in Denmark, Belgium and Netherlands.

The challenge

Issues were reported by website readers and advertisers at a high rate. Journalists point out website stability and long article render time.

What we did

The issues were caused by the performance of the application and its infrastructure. The customer wanted to redesign the architecture of business.dk and migrate to the new platform. Sii delivered dedicated cross-competence team to achieve this goal. As a final result, Berlingske customers, advertisers and journalists got a modern, scalable and efficient website.


The delivered solution is highly scalable and handles the load of millions of users a day including huge spikes in additional traffic over specific times of the day. Based on positive feedback, Business Owners of other Berlingske brands decided to migrate to the new platform.

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Tomasz Ukraine Business Lead

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