
Sii Ukraine



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Sii Ukraine



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About the client

The General Inspectorate of Road Transport (GITD) was established to monitor compliance with the rules applicable to the performance of road transport and the non-profit transport of persons and goods. It works primarily to eliminate all negative phenomena in road transport.

The challenge

Centralized system to archive speed fines proceedings from speed cameras. Allowing to perform operations on archived data collected in two systems used for ongoing maintenance pictures of speed cameras and to manage proceedings which were created based on photos.

What we did

During the project:

  • We have prepared analysis for requirements and feasibility study.
  • We have conducted analysis of the current systems client with external data (files jpg/pdf/etc.).
  • We have moved data from current database to new MS SQL database divided into schemes and we have prepared architecture application tables.
  • We have moved external data used in the systems to new repository.
  • We have built web portal for servicing archived fines proceedings (browse, download, rental/return issues, generate reports on cases).
  • We have prepared and launched the process of Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment based on Octopus Deploy.

The project was delivered with agile methodology using prototyping.


The system allows the handling of archived speed fines proceedings from the systems. Applied technology is characterized by high performance and stability, and is easy to scale. The ability to modern the platform makes it easier to upgrade it later.

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